A gift deed is a legal document that transfers the ownership of a property or asset from one person to another without any monetary consideration. It is a popular tool for transferring assets as a gift between family members or close friends. Here are some advantages, disadvantages, and the procedure for creating a gift deed:

  1. Tax benefits: If you gift a property or asset to a close family member, you may not have to pay any gift tax on the transaction.
  2. Quick transfer of ownership: A gift deed can be used to quickly transfer ownership of a property or asset, without the need for a lengthy and expensive legal process.
  3. No stamp duty: In some states, gift deeds may be exempt from stamp duty, which can save a significant amount of money.
  1. Irrevocable: Once a gift deed is executed, the transfer of ownership is irrevocable, and the donor cannot take the property back.
  2. No consideration: A gift deed does not involve any monetary consideration, which means the donor cannot demand any compensation or benefit from the recipient in return for the gift.
  3. Potential for disputes: Gift deeds may lead to disputes between family members, especially if the gift is perceived as unfair or unequal.

The procedure for creating a gift deed may vary depending on the state where the property is located. Generally, the following steps are involved:

  1. Consult a lawyer: It is advisable to consult a lawyer who specializes in property law to draft the gift deed.
  2. Prepare the deed: The lawyer will prepare the gift deed, which should include the details of the donor, recipient, and property or asset being gifted.
  3. Get the deed stamped: The gift deed may need to be stamped as per the stamp duty laws of the state.
  4. Register the deed: The gift deed must be registered with the local sub-registrar’s office within the stipulated time period, which may vary depending on the state. Both the donor and recipient must be present during the registration process.
  5. Obtain proof of ownership transfer: After registration, the donor should obtain a certified copy of the gift deed, which serves as proof of the transfer of ownership.